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Book chapters
Multi-View Stereo: A Tutorial
Y. Furukawa and C. Hernández
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision
vol. 9, no. 1-2, pp.1-148, 2013.
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Shape from Photographs: A Multi-view Stereo Pipeline
C. Hernández and G. Vogiatzis
Computer Vision: Detection, Recognition and Reconstruction
Cipolla, Battiato, Farinella (Eds.), 2010 Springer-Verlag.
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Practical 3D Reconstruction Based on Photometric Stereo
G. Vogiatzis and C. Hernández
Computer Vision: Detection, Recognition and Reconstruction
Cipolla, Battiato, Farinella (Eds.), 2010 Springer-Verlag.
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Journals and Conferences
Jump: Virtual Reality Video
R. Anderson, D. Gallup, J. Barron, J. Kontkanen, N. Snavely, C. Hernández, S. Agarwal, S. Seitz
Siggraph Asia, 2016.
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Fast Bilateral-Space Stereo for Synthetic Defocus
J. Barron, A. Adams, Y. Shih, C. Hernández
CVPR, 2015.
Download: pdf, supplement, bibtex
This technology is used by the Google Camera feature.
Depth From Focus With Your Mobile Phone
S. Suwajanakorn, C. Hernández, S. Seitz
CVPR, 2015.
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Accurate Geo-registration by Ground-to-Aerial Image Matching
Q. Shan, C. Wu, B. Curless, Y. Furukawa, C. Hernández, and S. Seitz
3DV, 2014.
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Photo Uncrop
Q. Shan, B. Curless, Y. Furukawa, C. Hernández, and S. Seitz
ECCV, 2014.
Download: pdf, project
Occluding Contours for Multi-View Stereo
Q. Shan, B. Curless, Y. Furukawa, C. Hernández, and S. Seitz
CVPR, 2014.
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Photo Tours
A. Kushal, B. Self, Y. Furukawa, D. Gallup, C. Hernández, B. Curless, S. Seitz
Proceedings of 3DImPVT, 2012.
Download: pdf, video, talk
Automatic Object Segmentation from Calibrated Images
N. Campbell, G. Vogiatzis, C. Hernández and R. Cipolla
Proceedings 8th European Conference on Visual Media Production, 2011.
Awarded BBC Best Paper Prize
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Self-calibrated, Multi-spectral Photometric Stereo for 3D Face Capture
G. Vogiatzis and C. Hernández
International Journal of Computer Vision, 1-13, 2011.
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Video normals from colored lights
G. Brostow, C. Hernández, G. Vogiatzis, B. Stenger, R. Cipolla
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 33(10) 2104-2114, 2011.
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Video-based, real-time multi view stereo
G. Vogiatzis and C. Hernández
Image and Vision Computing, 2011.
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Overcoming shadows in 3-source photometric stereo
C. Hernández, G. Vogiatzis and R. Cipolla
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,vol. 33, 2011.
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Self-calibrating a real-time monocular 3d facial capture system
C. Hernández and G. Vogiatzis
Proceedings International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), 2010.
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Shadows in Three-Source Photometric Stereo
C. Hernández, G. Vogiatzis and R. Cipolla
European Conference on Computer Vision, Marseille, 2008.
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Multiple Hypotheses Depth-Maps for Multi-View Stereo
N. Campbell, G. Vogiatzis, C. Hernández and R. Cipolla
European Conference on Computer Vision, Marseille, 2008.
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AIDIA - Adaptive Interface for Display InterAction
B. Stenger, T. Woodley, T.-K. Kim, C. Hernández and R. Cipolla
In Proceedings 19th British Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, September 2008.
Download: pdf, [demo at IFA 2008 on youtube]
Multi-view Photometric Stereo
C. Hernández, G. Vogiatzis and R. Cipolla
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 548-554, March, 2008.
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Non-Rigid Photometric Stereo with Colored Lights
C. Hernández, G. Vogiatzis, G.J. Brostow, B. Stenger and R. Cipolla
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, 2007.
Download: pdf, [video part 1, part 2] [on youtube part 1, part 2]
Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts
N. Campbell, G. Vogiatzis, C. Hernández and R. Cipolla
In Proceedings 18th British Machine Vision Conference, volume I, pages 530-539, 2007.
Download: pdf, talk
Multi-view Stereo via Volumetric Graph-cuts and Occlusion Robust Photo-Consistency
G. Vogiatzis, C. Hernández, P. Torr and R. Cipolla
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 2241-2246, Dec., 2007.
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Probabilistic visibility for multi-view stereo
C. Hernández, G. Vogiatzis and R. Cipolla
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Minneapolis, 2007.
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Silhouette Coherence for Camera Calibration under Circular Motion
C. Hernández, F. Schmitt and R. Cipolla
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 343-349, Feb., 2007.
Download: pdf, video, appendix
Lighting-up geometry: accurate 3D modelling of museum artifacts with a torch and a camera
G. Vogiatzis, C. Hernández and R. Cipolla
Eurographics 2006, Vienna, Short Papers, pp. 85-88, 2006.
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Reconstruction in the Round Using Photometric Normals and Silhouettes
(html version)
G. Vogiatzis, C. Hernández and R. Cipolla
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, New York, vol. 2, pp. 1847-1854, 2006.
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Level of Detail Continuum for Huge Geometric Data
F. Duguet, C. Hernández, G. Drettakis and F. Schmitt
SIGGRAPH 2005 Poster.
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Silhouette and Stereo Fusion for 3D Object Modeling
(html version)
C. Hernández and F. Schmitt
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Special issue on "Model-based and image-based 3D Scene Representation for Interactive Visualization", vol. 96, no. 3, pp. 367-392, December 2004.
Download: pdf, bibtex
Silhouette and Stereo Fusion for 3D Object Modeling
C. Hernández and F. Schmitt
3DIM 2003, 4th International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 2003, pp. 46-53.
Download: pdf,ps
A Snake Approach for High Quality Image-based 3D Object Modeling
C. Hernández and F. Schmitt
2nd IEEE Workshop on Variational, Geometric and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision, Nice, France, October 2003, pp. 241-248.
Download: pdf,ps
Multi-Stereo 3D Object Reconstruction
C. Hernández and F. Schmitt
3DPVT - 1st International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, Padova, Italy, June 2002, pp. 159-166.
Download: pdf,ps

Ph.D. dissertation
Stereo and Silhouette Fusion for 3D Object Modeling from Uncalibrated Images Under Circular Motion
C. Hernández
Ph.D. dissertation, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, May, 2004.
Download: 600dpi(60 MB), 300dpi(31 MB), 150dpi(7.4 MB), bibtex
Conferences with Proceedings (in french)
  • Reconstruction 3D d'objets par multi-stéréo
    C. Hernández et F. Schmitt
    AFIG 2001 - 14èmes journées de l'Association Française d'Informatique Graphique, Limoges, November 2001, pp. 27-36.
Technical reports
Steve Seitz
David Gallup
George Vogiatzis
Neill Campbell
Bjorn Stenger
Gabriel Brostow
Roberto Cipolla